Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Trip to Bukit Batok Nature Park

Erni wanted to take some Macro shots. She's one of the few female photogs who shoot macro from what i know. She has the eye for this, and the patience too. Do check out her photos.

Nways, she invited me to join her on a trip to BBNP. It has been a while since i last shot Macro and i'm not as patient as her, but thanks to many friends of whom we have made who share the same passion, i was able to get some nice pictures.

The Macro group i know are very kind and friendly, they share and they almost feel like family... Many thanks to them... PeterYeo, Tweebs, Exorcist, F_Enzo mainly. Kindly refer to the Macro and close up Threads in

It was a nice and bright morning, hot, very hot... Funnily we didn't know how to get there, i thought it was just beside the MRT. Erni had no clue too haha. Cute. Thanks to Sir Exorcist who told me directions.

The place is nice and quiet. Many elderly come here to have their morning walk, people come to walk their dogs too. Kids coming to explore the side of nature. Interestingly enough, as i was snapping some pictures at the entrance, a lady came up to me and asked if i have been to Bollywood farm. Funnily, i watched an episode of Don't ignore Diabetes and it featured Ivy Singh Lim who is one of the 2 farmers there. She recommended me to go there and shoot, 'Photographers Paradise' was what she called it.

Walking up, we met a group of elderly sitting and chatting, relaxing at the park. One gentleman asked us if we shoot animals, we told him insects mainly, he then said i show you something. As he lead us a littl further up a slope and pointed to a tree.

"Can you see it?", he said. Okay, what i saw was a tree and another tree, haha seriously, he then said look closer and he pointed again. Okay, Ezekiel, time to use your eyes properly, if an elderly can see it, i'm sure we I can too. In my hands was the Nikon D70, modified and there, i mananged to see it. Hugging the tree very closely and not moving at all, uncle said it was a flying fox. Honestly, i have not seen one before so, well i believe what he says. Snapped a picture. here it is.
A rare sight indeed! thanks to the uncle who pointed it out to us.

And so, we continued to walk further in slowly, looking for insects to shoot. We came across a lot of small ones. mostly very hard to capture. Lots of hoppers. Few spiders. The place was great. I'd love to go back again. I'll put up some pictures taken with the 5d and some with the D70.

Do give your feedback yeah?

Thanks for reading.

PS: I am rusty, so forgive my macro skills.

Taken with the Nikon D70, modified. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

There are a lot of these friends here. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

Great for Landscape lovers too. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

Managed to catch a Damsel i suppose. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

The unknown hopper. i know the focus is not gd here. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

Another unknown hopper. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

Managed to shoot a birdie too. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

Last but not least the special find, a snake. Copyrights to Ezekiel Kok.

That's all for now.

This is Ezekiel Kok
Signing off...

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